Friday, March 4, 2011


i'm a little slow to remember that i've now begun my blog and must write in it. more often than once a week! ha! but here i am in the lab on a friday night at 6:35 pm--in the midst of a three hour incubation before harvesting cells...and was scrolling around reading blogs when i suddenly remembered my poor forgotten orphan of a blog (i'm tellin' ya, it doesn't take me long these days to forget about something)...

well, last weekend we hit atlanta (decatur) to visit a dear friend with whom i went to grad school--she finished around the same time as me (in the same basic medical sciences PhD program) and is now doing her post-doc at emory university...her name is XXXX...but her initals are RAT, so i love that we can say we visited Ratlanta. hee. get it.? wow, we are clever. it was good times---even though the visit was too short. a little stone mountain (whew! outta shape!)..., farmers' market (Dekalb--apparently pronounced deCAB, although i beg to argue with the locals, i think they are all just massacring the proper pronunciation, but what do i know?)... and yea, we hit IKEA. i needed stuff. Ikea stuff. well, you know, a chair for the sewing room (*which i have yet to put together, since i haven't had time, and seeing as i am here now, probably won't do until who knows when)...

hmmm. now, i want to post photos--but what is the etiquette for this? i know i can post my own...but what of others? in science, we reference---in the blog world, it appears that photos are referenced, but not very well. anyone out there? if so, help. i wanna put some lovely findings from my eclectic blog readings...

speaking of which...tonight i am supposed to go to a party. it's going to be late by the time i am ready---i have to stop to get a gift (it's a bday party, for someone i don't know all that well, but would like to become better friends)---and my better half has to i will be on my own. i just don't know if i want to go--i also have to get up early tomorrow...but i would like to put on some fancy clothes---just since i have been a bum lately---even in Ratlanta...we hiked and cooked at the house---it was perfect, but i did bring a bunch of fancy clothes that i didn't even get to wear :(

well, my incubation is going to be up i should prepare (ah the joys of a post-doc, haha--no, really, i love it)...

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

finally. i set up this blog ages ago and tonight I start to write. finally. so, i have been following a number of blogs these days in my *ahem* spare time, and i thought, 'i'd really like to put my two cents out there in the blogosphere...' so here it is.

well, the reason i joke about all my free time is that i don't have a ton. i recently finished my PhD in biomedical sciences and started a postdoc on november 1 of last year. i also am a registered yoga teacher (RYT200) and teach yoga several mornings a week. since starting my postdoc in the biochemistry and molecular biology department of a US medical school, it has been a true whirlwind--I scrambled to get preliminary data, wrote a grant application for the american heart association (cross your fingers!), got an late-breaking abstract submitted for the american thoracic society meeting in denver of this year, and just two days ago, gave a big talk. it's time to regroup. i have barely recovered from writing my dissertation last summer and defending in October of last year. it's time to start this blog.

so, what's this blog about? well, if you are not yet bored to tears, i like science. i LOVE fashion and art. i love creative people and odd things. this blog will showcase my ideas and will give insight into what it's like to be a postdoc, and of course what i dream about...which are warm sunny days filled with light and those little dandelion seeds that float through the air -- you know, the ones that make you feel like you are in a dream, or at the very least, in an old polaroid. this blog will probably make little coherent sense. ha. but at least there might be some good stories. and maybe a cool photo or two. oh, and great clothes. or at least stolen (with references!) photos of great clothes.
viva la science! (oh, did i mention i am also obsessed with paris?)